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The fourth international multi-subject academic conference
- Ethics and Science of Future -


The Phenomenon of Time

Moscow, 24-26 March 2004.


The conference executive committee:

The Charitable Fund of maintaining and developing cultural values “Delphis”
The Institute of Oriental Studies. M.V. Keldish Institute of applied mathematics of RAS
The Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Science.
The Scientific and Research Institute of Social Problems of RANS. Juridical College of RS IPA.
The academic and cultural center SETI of Ziolkovskiy Russian Academy of Astronautics.
The Scientific and Research Institute of the development of stable processes. The Russian State Medical University.
Bauman Moscow State Technical University.
The journal “Delphis”. The Association of Psychic Energy Researchers.
Donezk National Technical University (Ukraine).
The Medical Academy of Spiritual Development (Ukraine).

1. Evolution of the notion “time” in natural sciences. Time in theories of physical reality of the XX century. Time as a philosophical category. Time in the substantial and relative conceptions. Do the natural referents exist or are they just a construct of human mind?

2. World alteration, the ways of its perception and reflection. Cause and Effect. Casualty and Time. The motion of time in N.A. Kozyrev’s conception, Kozirev’s causal mechanics.

3. Time – the lord of Space, its origin. Time as a flow – from what Source? The arrow of time. Discrete and vector time. Time flies and time heals. Dynamic characteristics of time. Its acceleration, time as an exponent. Scale reduction of historical time.

4. Memory as connection of times. Cycling and linear time. Multi-measurement of time. Its fractal nature. The phenomenon of cosmic-physical macro-fluctuations according to Shnol. World as a hierarchy of moments. The Pythagorean teaching and time. Time – number – natural scale. Multi-parameter time and its geometry. Time in the theories of physical structures.

5. Time and information. Time and energy. Time creation and creation in time. Time laws and laws in time. The laws of tempo-worlds construction.

6. Subjective and objective time. Biological and psychological time. The interaction of biological objects with real time. Study on biorhythms. Rhythms of biosphere and geological rhythms. Living time of a man, Humanity, Solar system, Galaxy and Universe. The phenomenon of sleeping and the nature of time. The process of sleeping as an universal and a necessary phase in developing of World and its components.

7. Parapsychology. Individual and world space-and-time continuum. Chrono-semantics.

8. Time in different cultures. Sacred time. Time in ancient Chine. Time in Oriental Studies. The Buddhist “wheel of life” – Kalachakra. The theological conception of time. The astrological conception of time. Time in the philosophy of isihazm and Russian cosmizm. Historical events as a manifestation of astrological time.

9. Time in science and esoteric teachings: Secret Doctrine, Teachings of the Temple, Agny Yoga. Is there time in Subtle Worlds? Time in music and as music inaudible. Science-fiction and time. Time in N. Tesla conception.

10. Cosmogenesis and anthropogenesis – in science and theosophy.

Papers. The presentation time is 20 minutes. Poster papers are also admitted. It is planned to publish the proceedings of the conference. Paper in volume of no more than 25 thousand typing symbols should be posted to the executive conference committee on a floppy disc in Word format or e-mailed. The deadline for the manuscripts submission is 25 December 2003. The annotation (no more than one paragraph) in Russian and English is required. Post address for papers submission: Russia, 101000, Moscow, Glavpochtampt, a/y 770. E-mail delphis@mail.ru

Conference site: The conference will take place at the assembly hall of the Institute of Oriental Studies of RAS. The 3d floor.
Address: Russia, Moscow, Rogdestvenka St., building 12.
Additional information on phone numbers: (095) 928-06-79, 921-84-25.
The conference opens on the 24th of March 2004 at 10 am. The participants registration starts at 9 am.

For more information on conference see the site www.delphis.ru

The conference information support: the journal “Delphis”, the site of the journal “Delphis” (www.delphis.ru), the site “Oriflamma” (www.roerich.com), Roerich news Web channel “Mysterium Magnum” (http://news.roerich.com), the academic journal “A man in social world”.

The additional information will be provided later

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