In 1986 has graduated from Donetsk State Technical University in speciality of "Electric Power supply of Industry and Cities" (diploma with awards). While studying in the University took part in students' building brigade in Syberia, Germany, former Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria. In narrow circles he is known as an author and a singer of songs in different languages (English, German, Spanish, Italian, French, Russian, Ukrainian, Belorussian and others).
You are offered several of his songs recorded on home computer (without arrangement):
In 1991 in Kharkov Technical University has defended thesis on Ph.D. in Engineering in speciality of "Electric Apparatus". Has undergone 3-months courses of skills training in Moscow Enegetic Institute(Russia), Portsmouth University (Great Britain), Philadelphia Scientific Centre (USA).
He occupied different positions at Donetsk Metallurgical Plant. He worked as a vice-dean in organisational and tutorial work of Power faculty. Being in this position he organised an international scientific seminar having invited the leading scientists. An experienced teacher (15 years of teaching). At the present moment takes an active part in implementation and development of computer accounting in enterprises of Donetsk Region.
He delivers lectures on the following disciplines:
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Modern computer technologies; |
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Mathematic methods and models; |
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Ìathematic tasks of power industry. |
ÎThe main scientific interests:
- Ethics, Culture and the Science of Future;
- hydrogen generation and non-traditionl power engineering;
- philosophy of techniques anf science of risks;
- ecology and harmonisation of information space, etc.
Since June 1999 he is a Head of the International Office of DonNTU. In June 1997 took part in Ukrainian-American seminar "Working people' health in Donbass" held under aegis of National Research Commettee, U.S. Academy of Science; since 1999 - participant of regional academic partnership (REAP program) with Portsmouth University (Great Britain), head of the module; since 2000 is a responsible executive person of the program creating "Centre of Industrial Assessment" which won the grant of Ministry of US Energetics together with Philadelphia Scientific Centre, due to this project he has visited a number of US cities (New-York, Washington, Los-Angeles, Philadelphia, San-Diego) to undergo training in corresponding universities+practice in Ford plants. Near N.K. Roerich's museum in New-York together with its Director - Daniil Entin. This year he has passed an international exam in English language (9th level of Trinity-test) of London College. Takes an active part in development of new courses (now it's the course "Philosophy of technique").
He is also a web-master of the portal Oriflame which in 1999 won the overall Ukrainian competition of non-commercial projects held by Kiev journal "Internet-marketing". Other awards.
Other Internet projects supported (or held by) S.G. Dzhura:
Summaries of lectures:
Methodic instructions for laboratory works and course projects:
Other documents (it might interest the Dean's office of my faculty):
tel: 38 (062) 337-32-66
fax: 38 (062) 304-12-78