& Innovation Center
58, Artyoma Street, Room 1.220, Donetsk 340000, Ukraine
The Technology & Innovation Centre (T&IC) at Donetsk State Technical University (DonSTU) was established with the assistance of the University City Science Center of Philadelphia within the framework of an Institutional Partnerships Project funded in part by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and administered by the International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX) .
to bring together the scientific and technical potential of Ukraine and of the US and to promote these potentials for the benefit of the people of both nations
T&IC Goals and Related Activities:
In accordance with T&IC's mission, which lies in the efficient and useful application of the intellectual, scientific and creative potential of companies, scientific and design institutions, and higher education establishments from the Donbass region and from the US, the main activities of the T&IC are:
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Copyright 1997, Technology & Innovation Center. All rights
reserved. Last modified 8.02.2000